
Apple Pie

Last night I baked two apple pies and thought I'd take a picture.  They just look so delicious and it turned out better than I thought.  Not to mention, I've never made an apple pie from scratch before, so I thought why not.


Michigan Game September 25

For my 24th birthday I was given tickets to the Michigan vs BGSU game on September 25th.  Here are some of the pictures I took from my seat during the game.



Luis Gloria, 49, stands on the company truck.  Gloria has been employed at Geo Gradel Co. for 10 years.

Luis Gloria, 49, of Oregon has been a Welder for 20 years.  He is seen here welding a piece back together.

Portraits were a little exciting to do.  It actually felt as though I was finally in charge of the shot.  I could have the subject pose, and not have to wait and wait for the right moment.  I also was able to choose someone who did something interesting and join them during the days work.  If I decided to be a photographer I do not think I would be interested in doing portraits all the time.  I do enjoy the excitement of finding that spot news or waiting for that perfect moment, to catch the one of a kind shot.


Feature Hunting

Jack Atlas, 19, fine arts major & Chris Garcia, 22, culinary arts major, enjoy a game of Yu-Gi-Oh in the SHAC at Owens CC.

A view of the cards used in the Yu-Gi-Oh game.

The next three pictures are of my daughter at Fleitz pumpkin farm in Oregon, Ohio.

Gabriella Lopez, 3, of Toledo, OH searches for a pumpkin at Fleitz Pumpkin Farm in Oregon, OH on October  12.  The farm also has a large selection of gourds, apples, and cider. The farm offers daily mazes and weekend hay rides and snack stands.

Gabriella Lopez, 3, sits next to the largest pumpkin on display at Fleitz Farm in Oregon, OH.  The pumpkin weighs 360 lbs. but is never entered into any contest.

A display of painted pumpkins at Fleitz Farm in Oregon, OH available for purchase.


Zohra Sarwari

Zohra Sarwari visits Owens Community College on September 13, 2010 to speak to students about terrorism and Islam.  Sarwari has written a few different books and is recognized as an international speaker and life coach.

Nacema Elorra a homeschooling mother and supporter of Sarwari is seen browsing pamphlets by Sarwari.  Working the table were her sister Maryem Sarwari, back, her neighbor, middle, and her daughter Alya Nuri.



 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'
Thomson Reuters Business (1996). Find Law for Legal Professionals. Retrieved 31 August 2010 from Thomson Reuters Business: http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/constitution/amendment01/

Ethical behavior is a system of moral principals that people deal with every day.  Ethics is also a common problem, even in photojournalism.
Ethical Categories
  Photojournalism has three different types of ethical categories.  One is a Utilitarian.  This category stays true to the statement "the greatest good, for the greatest number of people."  Even though the photo may cause pain or anger for the subjects and their families, the Utilitarian would still publish it.  The photo would bring reality to the rest of the public and would help to save more lives.  The second category is the Absolutist.  This category follows the same statement, but it has limitations.  Absolutists' believe people have the right to privacy, such as the privacy to grief.  The third category is the Golden Rule.  This category would not publish anything that would offend the subjects or their families.
  I think I would be a Utilitarian.  I know how to take my emotion out of serious situations.  I would want to help the majority of people, rather than keep one tragedy secret in order to save a family more pain.  Personally, if I were the one experiencing the tragedy and I knew that publishing a sensitive photo would help more people, I would want it to be published.
  It is important to be accurate when taking photos.  Treat people with respect, no matter the situation.  Do not pay or accept payment of any kind for photos.  Do not stage a scene to capture a better photo or encourage the subjects to stage anything.
  Photographers can shoot anywhere in public, though there are places where we need permission from everyone.  A photographer cannot shoot in a classroom, inside a courtroom, a prison, a military base, or legislative chambers.  There are also limitations when shooting in medical facilities, casinos, and malls, where permission should be granted.
  These are some of the ethical principles our class has learned.  A photographer must keep these in mind when shooting.  Sometimes the ethic principles of photography is argued because of the truth a photo can hold and the pain it may endure.


Fall Fest 2010

Owens students Ronnie Munn, landscape and turf major, and James Hymore, computer science major, compete at Rock Band in College Hall at the 2010 Fall Fest.  While most of the activities were outdoors, this competition was indoors.



My name is Kendra Caudill.  I am almost 24.  I am a mother of two.  I have a three-year old daughter and an eleven-month old son.  Myself and my two children are much of my motivation to continue my education each day.
I graduated from Eastwood High School in 2004.  I then began attending classes at Owens.  I have taken a few semesters off in between, and changed my major multiple times.
I finally decided to stick with Journalism.  I have two classes left to take at Owens, and then I will finally have my Associates of Art degree.  My plan is to transfer to BGSU or UT to obtain my Bachelor's in Journalism.

News is a report delivered in a timely and ethical way to the general public.  It covers any important events or information that has happened in the area, nation or the world.  It includes information regarding politics, crime, the economy, and many other events that can have an impact anywhere in the world.

I think general news is ethically fit, depending on the type of news it is.  A lot of news, information and photography coming out of Hollywood seems manipulated or exaggerated.  I think political news is not very manipulated by the press, but it is by the government.

It is definitely not okay to manipulate news photos!  Whether the manipulation is good or bad, it's still not right.  Manipulation is what makes the general public doubt the authenticity of the stories, and that gives journalists a bad reputation.  Overall, bad ethics affects all news reporting, and if it becomes an unfortunate trend, the news would slowly lose popularity and trustworthiness because of its unofficial storytelling.

I believe that a citizen journalist most definitely has control.  A citizen journalist can influence the stories that myself, and other citizens are interested in.
If a reporter were to make any mistakes, it is the job of the citizen journalist to catch those mistakes and call them out on it.  We have the power to influence them to correct their mistakes, admit to the mistake, and to not make any future mistakes.