
Apple Pie

Last night I baked two apple pies and thought I'd take a picture.  They just look so delicious and it turned out better than I thought.  Not to mention, I've never made an apple pie from scratch before, so I thought why not.


Michigan Game September 25

For my 24th birthday I was given tickets to the Michigan vs BGSU game on September 25th.  Here are some of the pictures I took from my seat during the game.



Luis Gloria, 49, stands on the company truck.  Gloria has been employed at Geo Gradel Co. for 10 years.

Luis Gloria, 49, of Oregon has been a Welder for 20 years.  He is seen here welding a piece back together.

Portraits were a little exciting to do.  It actually felt as though I was finally in charge of the shot.  I could have the subject pose, and not have to wait and wait for the right moment.  I also was able to choose someone who did something interesting and join them during the days work.  If I decided to be a photographer I do not think I would be interested in doing portraits all the time.  I do enjoy the excitement of finding that spot news or waiting for that perfect moment, to catch the one of a kind shot.


Feature Hunting

Jack Atlas, 19, fine arts major & Chris Garcia, 22, culinary arts major, enjoy a game of Yu-Gi-Oh in the SHAC at Owens CC.

A view of the cards used in the Yu-Gi-Oh game.

The next three pictures are of my daughter at Fleitz pumpkin farm in Oregon, Ohio.

Gabriella Lopez, 3, of Toledo, OH searches for a pumpkin at Fleitz Pumpkin Farm in Oregon, OH on October  12.  The farm also has a large selection of gourds, apples, and cider. The farm offers daily mazes and weekend hay rides and snack stands.

Gabriella Lopez, 3, sits next to the largest pumpkin on display at Fleitz Farm in Oregon, OH.  The pumpkin weighs 360 lbs. but is never entered into any contest.

A display of painted pumpkins at Fleitz Farm in Oregon, OH available for purchase.